
Stay fit with just 15 minutes of exercise

Stay fit with 15 mins excercise
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Everyone knows the importance of exercise, but no one has time to spend 2-3 hrs. daily as per busy schedule. So, to solve this problem will tell you to spend just 15 mins a day staying fit. That’s why you must do these steps, in which some eating habits and a little exercise are needed.

Along with doing exercise, changing the habit of eating will give many benefits. You will feel very light in your body.

Exercise steps

– Wake up in the morning just 15 mins before your standard time.
– Walk for 5 minutes as normal
– Next 5 minutes walk should be at a medium speed
– Last 5 minutes should be with maximum speed
– Follow the above steps for 1st week & from 2nd Week make 5 minutes to 10 minutes for each step

Measure your steps every week. You will find the total number of steps will get increase with time. You may use this app to measure steps.

“It is saying if you follow anything for 21 days regularly, it becomes your habit.”


– It will increase your cardiovascular fitness
– Bones will be strengthen
– Body fat will get reduced

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