
Seed that will help you to fight diseases!

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How Seed can help for health?

In this article, you will know how we can take care of our health with home remedies. Just one seed will help you in many ways

How to eat Flaxseed

1. Grind flaxseed in a mixer & keep the powder in a jar
2. Take a full spoon of powder & mix it with water & drink

Note: Don’t use powder after 10 days, so make powder for 10 days only.


1. Weight loss
2. Best for Joints
3. Benefits of constipation
4. Blood Sugar Balance
5. Reduce Fat
6. It helps to grow cells which fight cancer
7. Good for depression
8. Excellent for skin
9. Good for hair growth & keep strong

How to improve skin?

These seeds also help to keep your skin smoother by applying on it. Just mix it with yogurt & honey and then apply on your face. Wash your face after 15 mins & you will feel smoother skin.

Who shouldn’t eat?

– Pregnant Women
– If already having medicine for disease

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